weightwatchers, slimmers world etc not charities!
Hi Charlie,
have to disagree with you. yeah words drop all the time. but obesity is not a charity word. weightwatchers, slimmers world etc in fact the whole food industry has a huge dieting, healthcare side. there's lots of money to be made for them . UK is getting fatter, like the US too.
as discussed on previous posts, not just this type of domain interested in anyhow. there so many great generic, memorable words to be had , more & more smaller companies are realising if you can't get or can't afford the .co.uk, there are no restrictions to stop you having .org.uk it just so happens for things like obesity it gives you an added air of respectability. just what the food giants want when they are going to take advantage of the fatties. one thing i will agree on , barnados.org.uk was sold recently back to them. i thought that was a little naughty, & probably a little bit of infringement. however, i've got no problems with religious ones. i'll sit back & wait for that gravy train. religion seems to cause all the bollo**s in the world as it is. the catholic church have done very well stealing from the poor & giving to the rich. amen
Predator :twisted: