Before, the purpose of Nominet was to run the registry. But now with Nominet getting involved in so many extra commercial activities, they are just looking like a tech conglomerate like Verisign. It no longer makes any sense that they have an exclusive right to manage the .uk registry. Surely the .uk registry ought now to be put out to tender so other companies can have a chance to bid for the registry, on the basis of efficiency and keeping prices at a level that is good for the industry. I'm sure the likes of Camelot, Virgin etc would be interested.
I agree that the NED positions are just there to make it look democratic, ever since the government and Nominet staged a false stand-off and tricked members into giving up their voting power. Anyway I wish you the best of luck Alex. You may be able to throw a spanner in the works. You have my vote.
I agree that the NED positions are just there to make it look democratic, ever since the government and Nominet staged a false stand-off and tricked members into giving up their voting power. Anyway I wish you the best of luck Alex. You may be able to throw a spanner in the works. You have my vote.