Beasty said:
The short answer is Nominet appointed themselves - rising out of JANET in 1996. As I understand it, Dr Willie Black moved from one to the other and became Nominet's Executive Chair.
This is 10 year old news, so I can't actually find anyone who can give me definitive answers; but I have to suggest it is unfair to say that Nominet 'appointed themselves'. Let's not forget that prior to Nominet there was a 'naming committee' comprising of Willie Black and representatives from some of the founding ISPs in the UK. Together with Willie Black; who claimed ownership of the registration
.uk; they sometimes ruminated and cogitated for months before a registrant was actually awarded the .uk domain name they requested. This was totally inefficient.
So yes, Willie Black (and a nucleus of others) started Nominet UK, but as far as I am aware, they did it via what was probably the first Nominet "consultation". They put the idea out to all "naming committee" participants. Bear in mind, these were the
only people showing any initiative vis-a-vis the domain name space or the internet in the early 1990s, and they were doing it openly; so where was the Government then?
So a consensus was reached that Nominet should be incoporated as a 'not for profit' company with members and despite all the criticisms since then, the altruism was, that it would act in the interests of the wider stakeholder communities.
Beasty said:
As far as I have been able to establish, there is no specific authority from a higher body - no licence, no statutory instrument (much less an act of parliament).
Whilst that is arguably true, the Government does not seem to object to Nominet representing the UK community at international level like the IGF and/or ICANN, and as the Government is in constant dialogue with the Registry, I think there is a reasonable expectation that they think Nominet is doing a good job of holding
.uk in trust for the nation and/or the wider stakeholder communities.
Beasty said:
JAC and I have disagreed a few times about whether this is right or not, given the scale of the current (and future) .uk domain space - and I'm not keen to restart the debate. However, unless someone can point me to a specific document from a third party, I think the we can safely say that Nominet/JANET simply said it had authority to run .uk when it was created and has carried on accordingly.
If as a proposition we accept that what you say is true, why would it matter now; 10 years after the event? What I personally believe is that cooperation begats more benefit than confrontation. By all means form a Nominet Lobby Group (or whatever) and lobby Nominet on the issues you are in conflict with, but this constant penchant to deride and ridicule Nominet for every blessed thing is counterproductive and in my humble opinion without merit. The fact is, Nominet was created, it exists, and it is
at worst tolerated by the UK Government and
at best acknowledged as the .uk registry.
I can see merit in the argument that there should be a competitive registry, with equal access to the database, but you can't get to 'Z' when you are simply trying to bypass the other 25 letters in the alphabet first.
Even Nominet deserves that we act in a responsible and appropriate manner; not because we think we are right, but because we are acting in the interests of the wider communities. Otherwise, all we are doing is trying to dictate our own minority standpoint to a vastly increasing majority who have different sets of values and principles in terms of the UK namespace than just one minority special interest group.
You can't be right from a wrong standpoint and we could all start by being righteous in our own thinking. The .uk namespace belongs to
all stakeholders, not just you, me, Whois-Search, sneezycheese, grandin, or the 1,838 members on this forum. Let's get real Beasty and let's accept that there are millions out there who have the same rights as every other .uk stakeholder. Is it so unfair to ask that of you?
Beasty said:
As I think Rob suggests, one of the practical things preventing competition is Nominet having exclusive rights to the .uk domain database.
Which is why I would personally support you and anyone else forming a Nominet Lobby Group to lobby whoever you feel is appropriate in establishing whether or not this kind of competition would be productive or counterproductive to the .uk domain. But please do it for the right reasons; in the interests of
all stakeholders; not just because one or other of you has a personal grudge or grievance against Nominet.
As I keep saying; you cannot be right from a wrong standpoint.
James Conaghan