Hello everyone,
I'm not going to get euphoric, but the parking is up and running fast. This was our first priority. The homepage will follow suit.
Thank you all so much for your patience and support. We will certainly reward you and make sure that you don't lose any earnings as a result of this.
I have a funny feeling that, once your compensation has been done, the last 26 hours may be the highest earning 26 hours of the week for you, if you know what I mean

We don't want you to bear the brunt of this attack.
To give you an idea of what we have been up against since 15.00 GMT yesterday, in addition to the 600K domains we have parked on our system, our servers were being hit by XX,XXX false connections per second for over 24 hours. The attack is increasing as we speak and has been since it began.
We estimate that just to keep up this attack, it has cost the aggressor at least five figures and possibly six figures to initiate and sustain. This wasn't poor defenses on our part, it was the use of overwhelming force and financial resources on theirs. The mind boggles at who has the time or funds to invest in something so unnecessary.
I apologise again for the mess. Please bear with us while we get the homepage up and running today and the revenue correction done, which will take a couple of days to get right.