Rich - articles were requested on Fri 6th March!!
12th March i asked how you were getting on, you said "I'm hoping to have you them all sent over by mid next week at the latest.".
31st March(!!) You said "I am going to send over the few I have been working on today so that you can begin to add them onto your site."
6th April i said i'd had enough waiting for nearly a month so asked for the difference to be refunded.
16th April(!!) - You claimed you'd sent 4 articles over (why did I only receive 2 of them then?), i asked for you to resend.
17th April - You said "No problem I'll get them right over to you. There will be no refund as you have paid £20 for the 4 articles which is correct." (i was assuming I'd get them right away, obv. not)
You then said something about "carrying a backup or at the office computer"..didnt know you could write up articles in office work time but whatever, even though you said you "work mainly from home"
This carried on back and forth.. It's now Thursday 23rd April, well over a month after they were requested, and still no sign of these elusive 2 articles.
Articles were promised and i only received half of them, so imo you didn't fulfil your end of the deal. Just stating facts, have since found another content writer that i'm very happy with. Lets leave it at that shall we.