can you give me an appraisal & comments on this one please
I don't post very often around here, but I really want to make a post here for the OP.
I've noticed that you've regged quite a few domains and looking through your domain list you have a lot of very poor domains, with maybe 1 or 2 with any sort of potential.
I'd seriously suggest you curb it until you've spent at least a year researching, and figuring out the market... I know what it's like, you see similar domains being sold on DNJournal and you do a search/go through drop lists, and see domain(s) that you think are sure bets, that you know will sell, get excited and think "I must reg this before someone else does", pull out the money and buy... but the harsh and unfortunate reality is that even good/decent domains only get sold rarely.
I made the same mistake regging about 100 domains similar to yours about a year ago, the vast majority of which fall into the category of potential sells/absolute rubbish, but there is a vastly superior supply to the demand. The only thing to your credit is that you're at least focussing on or .com, which are more or less the place to be imo.
I'd suggest that if you're serious about regging domains and trying to resell, invest the money that you'll spend collectively on hand regging 100 domains on 1 better domain from a reseller, at reseller prices, and try and sell on. Theres a limited number of domains which have value, which are already regged, or are ones to hold for 5-10 years for long term.
Selling a domain you bought for £1xxx because it's worth £1xxx and trying to sell for £2xxx is imo far easier than buying a domain for £5 and trying to sell for £50.
That's not to say you can't find some gems, but the likelihood is that given the number of years that domains have been around, that if it was valuable to a large enough pool of people for it to be genuinely marketable and saleable, then someone would've beaten you to it.
I say this, because it's very easy to reg domains, infinitely harder to sell them; especially done on a small scale.
Save yourself the money, because you don't want to end up in a situation where you've invested hard earned cash on domains you cannot get a return on.
I say that from experience, not to be patronising, but to be real. I wish I'd had someone shake me and stop me from regging. I do hold some domains that I feel have got some intrinsic value, but the chances of selling them are unfortunately fairly low. I'm now waiting on about 30 domains to drop, and of my original 100, I've only renewed about 5 that have potential, or I've had offers on and stupidly turned down, and these domains I intend on holding for a long time before I'm expecting to have any sort of return on.
All the best.