Do you have your own rigs or do you mine via contracts?
@aZooZa - build and mine on my own rigs (GPU based), i've only built two so far. Currently yielding 1 ETH, and 1 ZEC every 4 days consistently. This is by no means a big deal, or big number, but its a starting point for something I put very little time into, here and there.
ETH i'm holding, ZEC I'm exchanging to BTC as soon as it comes in. So the ZEC
return/value fluctuates a tad... at a guess, its probably the equivalent average of 0.05 BTC every 4 days.
I've looked at the various mining contract options before, but never taken the plunge, I guess I like to build things and understand how it all works. I've learnt a lot about the various cryptos and blockchains out there by doing it. The other reason I've not pulled the trigger on mining contracts is that i've not had anyone I trust/know who has data on (actual) yields they can / are willing to share.
Its not been easy, building the rigs and getting a setup that works consistently, a lot of experimenting, and fiddling with components/configurations, but I think i'm ready to scale it (a little). The plan is to build another 4 of these rigs before the year is out - time allowing.
((When I'm talking returns/value etc, I'm
totally ignoring the build out cost of the miners, and the running costs in terms of power and time taken to learn thus far. The two rigs running at present have covered their build out cost now. I am planning on posting a write up of the builds so far and sharing real data... PM me if you're interested in being kept in the loop.))