I personally can't believe Apple sit back and allow hundreds of websites to spring up trading on their brand names... However, I may be wrong
I think totally different to that - and I would if I was the company in question too.
eg if someone decides to reg 100 domains all with variations of ipod etc in the domain, then at the end of it all, it is Apple who is the real winner.
This is why I think apple isn't too concerned about people regging domains :
1. If someone bought cheapappleipods.co.uk and had it parked, then it would display ad's related to apple ipods. If the visitor clicks and ad and then goes on to purchase an ipod, it is Apple who is the chief beneficiary as that is one more product that apple has created and has been sold along the way.
2. If someone bought affordableappleipods.co.uk and built a minisite on the domain, and marketed it and seo / ppc in the correct way, Joe Bloggs finds the site and makes the sale, again apple is the chief beneficiary.
3. each site which is created, adds to brand awareness of the Ipod even further as ultimately EVERY genuine Ipod will have been made by apple themselves and has therefore been sold for the price they wanted, regardless of who the retailer is who sold it for them.
This is just for the item above / similar items to this and obviously doesn't apply to all areas etc
DISCLAIMER : This is my own opinion and I do not want people readng this and thinking "oh I may reg this as it is fine and I won't get in trouble etc"