I started quite the thread it appears. Sorry for the delay coming back to you on the various points, but I’ll do my best to address them…
I did join the forum to introduce myself and I guess yes, I am asking for votes, but also to encourage people to use their vote. Domains aren't our core business, and I don't look after that side of our business, so I don't particularly think I could add much to the conversations so forgive me for joining to set out my stall.
I added some information to our website for ease, as it’s not behind passwords or ERS logins, I really don’t expect people to then have a look at our site, it was just a handy place to put the info.
I am Director of a small registrar, and as I say domains aren't our core business, but we still remain a business in the sector and so I hope I can bring a different perspective to the Board. I want to engage with members and understand the frustrations and issues, but I do also understand how a board works and some of the limitations.
I can’t walk into a board meeting and demand changes, and nor would I want to - being a part of a board is about getting things done at a strategic high level, and I appreciate this method doesn’t sit well with everyone, and some people feel the role is pointless. I get that; I don't agree.
I hope I do bring something different to the board and I’ve tried to outline it, but I’m surprised with how many personal comments I've read, rather than comments around the role, saying I’m a puppet, a Nominet monkey, passive aggressive, and paying lip service. But that's opinions, they're like... everyone's got one. You get the gist.
There’s mention of money - I think the role demands more than 30 days and I’d want to give it more time than that anyway, learning, prepping and engaging are more than the travelling to and attending board meetings. Like being a business owner, I don’t think you fully switch off as a board member. Sure I might pay a few bills if I got elected, but that’s really not a factor for standing, and it shouldn’t be a driver for anyone wanting to stand.
The ‘ordinary user’ concept is an interesting one, the normal internet consumers. I’m not sure there’s an awareness of the backbone of .uk and how it works, and I think interest would be limited, so long as people can get on the sites they want, safely and without spam, they're quite happy that the internet is doing what it needs to for them.
People not voting isn’t going to solve anything, more likely let Nominet evolve in the way you’re determined you don’t want it to go (or believe it’s gone already).
Nominet is a membership organisation and engagement is at its heart. I know some members are disgruntled but I really hope voting for a small member NED candidate like me might go some way to making a change.
I know there’s plenty of people hoping I’ll make rallying statements about sweeping changes, but just rest assured I’m not a yes man, I’m more than happy to speak my mind, and engage both as a member, and with members, as much as I can.
Apologies if I’ve posted inappropriately, I’ll happily move the thread. Thanks for the supportive words, of course, nice to read and I hope to do you proud should I get the votes. Have a great weekend.