I love the books
I think the show has really lost it's way in later seasons sadly, I had a lot of problems with this episode and season in general
Why have a defensible position like Winterfell and send most of your men outside the walls to die
It kept seeming hopeless, our heros surrounded by masses undead but yet somehow they don't die
How did Jon survive when he attempted to fight the Night King and was totally surrounded by wights? they cut away and when they came back they were just attacking him one at a time lol very handy
Surely that's what 99% of people wanted to see? Jon didn't have to win, just at least a bit of fighting until a distraction comes in to stop them, maybe Ghost leaping in and being killed
How was there no White Walker vs Valyrian Steele holding heros? Brienne and Jorah facing off against some White Walkers would have been cool to see
How did they pass up these obvious and fun cinematic moments?
The Night King and the White Walkers did fuck all, they've been built up as the only thing that matters, the wars of men seemed so petty in comparison, yet the last 3 episodes are going to be what? what's left vs Cersie, who cares, so anti-climatic
Who would have thought the last time we would see a White Walker properly fight was Hardhome in what, season 5?
Arya jumping out of nowhere like a ninja and just prison shanking him :|
Jon or someone like Brienne should have been fighting the Night King, losing, all but dead, then in a last fleeting moment causing the distraction Arya needed to kill him
That adds tension, that adds gravity
All these potential cool moments wasted and that's all the show has been left with in recent seasons, cool moments
I know the books will be nothing like this (if the new ones ever get done lol) and thank god