I know .com space has a professional organisation representing it but that's a much larger market. I think it was tried for .uk but never got anywhere. It will be an enormous burden, in terms of money and time, to run and why should the onus be put back on us. Is there any evidence to suggest that large portfolio owners (i.e. the people she was speaking to) are the ones giving Nominet staff abuse?
But there is a cheaper way of setting up an organisation. How about - from today all 'exclusive' members of acorn are automatically members of the UK Professional Domainers Association (UKPDA) and you Edwin have been nominated to be our spokesperson![]()
If such a professional organisation were to be set up, especially if membership fees were required, it should not only be to police ourselves but also to stand up for ourselves in an industry increasingly dominated by big and powerful interests. It should offer real tangible benefits to its members, to counterbalance the restrictions we would voluntarily impose on ourselves, after all if we are its members and we are paying for it, we should be its main beneficiaries.
Lobbying activities, a stronger influence with Nominet similar to that enjoyed by registrars, access to resources to assist members with legal threats and domain hijacking, bulk-buying discounts for certain services like PRSS for members, higher PPC rates from being able to negotiate as a group who can collectively bring in a lot of business to PPC providers etc etc... these kinds of benefits would be similar to those offered by other trade groups, and if our membership would increase our revenues, reduce our costs and afford us greater protection from opportunist lawyers and the like, if membership would effectively pay for itself from the benefits conferred, then of course we would all gladly join and we would all be better off as a consequence.