I have posted before about this
and its a lawyers tactic to get you to supply information first.
Dont be a sheep and give any info at all ask these basic questions back to person taking you to the DRS.
1. ask them to supply list names there customer has and when they where registered.(you need this before you can put you defence in)
2. if they contact you asking to buy the name get them to sign a none disclosure agremment that they can and will not use against you before you quote a price.
3. refuse every expert member since they are in it for financial gain are are getting payed for there time.
4. bill everyone involved include the person who sents you the letter for the DRS.
5. most of the members of the DRS are members of the law society
do you trust a lawyer (my arse are they honest they are in it to line there own pockets)
6. If you lose the DRS report the theft of your name to the police
as you have payed for the name for 2 years this amounts to theft if taken from you)
7. Report the DRS to the office of fair tradeing for confict of intrest and ask them to tell you who has the right.
8. Read the sale of goods act and also articals of trade law and finally
have a read at comptition european rules
you will find this very intresting
and if all else fails sue the expert for loss of Business and Earnings
please note this really only applies if you have typo names ect if you one of the muppets who has typos and TM names then tough shite