There are just less good domains dropping in general and because of the change in Nominets release process now everyone can chase every drop, whereas it used to be a domain could drop anytime over 24 hours you had to gamble your DAC quota over a few hours and guess at the drop order
In the past I think you were almost guaranteed to make a good profit drop catching, now you can put in a lot time and money and not catch anything, but with a little bit of luck you could catch one of a handful of domains every month that would pay for years of hosting thus making any fees/time put in look fairly insignificant; I think in that respect it feels more like gambling now
But there are still public catchers you can book domains and if youre a registrar and have a tag you might as well try out dropcatching or hostedchasing or any other systems you think are worth trying and see how it goes, just have to see it as a bit of a gamble