I suppose you can ignore the methods used acquiring and registering trademarks etc in the past for eligibility to other registrations…? Corporations, companies, councils etc those notoriously slow at making decisions, authorizing people to make payments even at £3,
Those that have names and can’t compete in auctions, those that don’t know, don’t care, think it will not effect them, are not eligible, the chance to get names you know current owners would never sell? The opportunity to get names even 99% of market value is a saving (Especially as many are running scared of the situation and starting to sell cheap) buying from others who get lucky but are clueless with regs or don’t want them ?
How many names do you think are worth 1k+ to end users 500k a million more? Do you think they’ll all reg them? Should you care if it wipes out the complete value of current names? no if you make it back on the.uk, Could it affect current developed names no more than plural hyphenated other tld cctlds g fffing about. But that goes both ways ? The eager buyers waiting to get bites out of there competitions I have no sentimentality about domains its business and if you cannot see any benefits or ways to make £ then yes your stuffed?
That’s not too say I wish it or approve of it in anyway but its just business but stick by your words make a stand don't reg any even if you can that'll show em whose boss in them there hills