- about to become a private DNr's club... we hope!!
What a shame hey fella... all those years of fun and coffee... down the pan in hours... thanks for all you did... we have made a few bucks out of it! So if you need a helping hand... we know a good IP lawyer...
The information you provided was gracefully accepted and used to propel many DN noobs into a career that, in some ways changed their whole earning capabilities! A single, generic DN could sell and has, for a normal months wages... this is a part of your free service that actually made the web fun again.
Personally and in Business, we have benefited from DN's for over 20 years... the actual support raised here in less than 3 days for your closure is greater than we have seen in the industry for a long, long time... the comments made to date in this thread, however may help or hinder the actual process of getting a similar service running again.
Lee - you are a star, your support for the cause is great and no doubt, finances in hand, you would be able to provide great positive vibes, to bring back the service... however "DN DC" is a dark art, in some respects a bit like a secret members club that always had free open memberships to anyone that looked hard enough and offered the "Normal Joe" a route out of a dull, online existence, with lots of $ perks... but chill, slow the fire threads and opinions of other DNr's down... EDWIN is a very experienced fish and personal dispute and character references will not help the cause...
As the thread states... Closer to home... it was not until a few "other, not so well known world DNr's and their services, started to rip and extract "Andys" site that the problems started... forget nomination to PAB and who signed what to declare the service void... it is the fact that "others" NOT in the industry have seen an income revenue, that was not tapped... it will be now!
As luck would have it... we do not have the time (we made so much from DN DC!) to get too involved in an all out legal battle with Nic but we do have a few friends in the right places... 2 of which are looking into how Andys complaint has been handled...
We can only suggest that everyone remains calm... the PRESS and the PUBLICITY around this matter will HARM and DILUTE a lot of peoples new or existing careers in the DN industry... WHY? well if EVERYONE knows how or what is involved in the process and where the information is gathered... it will not be a career for anyone because the same people will know the same things...
A private action, involving some larger players in the DN industry, with a few "meetings" will help no end... who you know and how they respond to "Everyone knowing how they made their millions!" will put a lot of people off supporting this action... E.G we have several 000,000 DN's held, if news of Nics actions, against Andy spreads the value of the DN's will plummet as others will know how and what to do to acquire DN's...
We know some will agree with our comments, some will not, we are not posting this to be flamed, we and at least 7 other "MULTIPLE" dac runners have approached Nic in the background to have a few questions answered...
If anyone REALLY wants to help get back online with a SIMILAR service then plan your action... talk to the industry players (not the press/public/non interested parties) email those in the DN know... NOT those that would LOVE to know!
We are sorry for your loss Andy and if our "extensive lists gathered from information available in the public domain" ever since you started are now "unusable" it will be interesting to see how other providers of a similar service to your own, via memberships, through DAC and TAG uk users accounts (some using the naughty... multiple ip access route) will be treated...
If seems one of the above may be using some "public domain" information to "mirror" your service.. BUT WITHOUT THE BITS Nic told you off about as we speak...