A small monthly cost for a site should not be an issue for anyone seriously running a business, all costs would get written off against tax liability by the accounting process. Many businesses do not have a clue or have still not even considered the Internet, many are simply too busy to be devoting time & effort to learning web design and all the work involved around it. How much time has the average person on here wasted on "designing" sites when they should be working? Take a busy employee and sit them in front of a PC to make a website and you'll easily loose a day or 2 of their time.
As for comment about teenagers and pocket money, then yes, I'm sure you could get a local teen to do this for pocket money prices, but would a business trust them? I'm sure there are some very talented teens out there, but there are a lot of horror stories of domains being registered in the designer's name and then simply disappearing leaving a domain & site unmanageable.
The only issue I can see in the plan is not the costs, but the availability to meet with the business owner if you are in a full time job. I did manage to fit in some meetings and even an installation of servers and associated equipment in a datacenter whilst doing a full time job, but spare holiday soon gets used!
As for comment about teenagers and pocket money, then yes, I'm sure you could get a local teen to do this for pocket money prices, but would a business trust them? I'm sure there are some very talented teens out there, but there are a lot of horror stories of domains being registered in the designer's name and then simply disappearing leaving a domain & site unmanageable.
The only issue I can see in the plan is not the costs, but the availability to meet with the business owner if you are in a full time job. I did manage to fit in some meetings and even an installation of servers and associated equipment in a datacenter whilst doing a full time job, but spare holiday soon gets used!