Hello, just seen this thread - I've worked in banking/lending at a senior level for 20 years, and I'm currently involved in arranging CBILs/CLBILS and CFFs.
BBLS or "bounce back loans" - very different beast to the above, small loans unsecured business loans - I think 11 banks offer them including ourselves. The criteria is slightly different at each bank, but the core requirements remain the same.
It's not a deep dive underwrite, it's an unsecured business loan, designed to be repaid over 6 years aimed at SMEs. There is still however a due diligence process applied on the applicant's application as per the FCA directives, AML checks etc.
The government are doing 2 things - covering the interest for year one (the first 2.5%) + and providing a limited PG to the bank. (Rather than some of the more complex products listed above where an unlimited PG is required from the borrower, and there is a full underwrite into company structure/accounts, measured against each individual lenders criteria, CBILs for instance.)
Essentially - it is open to abuse - and the lenders have hedged for that in the deal they have done with the government, that's what the government are providing - a guarantor service against a proportion of the loss essentially.
The criteria is minimal, as long as the metrics fit, the checks are passed, and the correct usage is evidenced - off you go. The banks - want to lend these loans out, it's like betting in a casino, and the house refunding the losing bets. The only way it can go wrong for the banks is if the overall tranche of BBLs they hold - becomes completely non-performing.
Usually, you expect 15%-20% of your book to be, shit essentially - in this instance, it will be 50% + total dogshit, a huge amount of these businesses will fold.
For people that do cut and run - well, the same thing happens as if you have just defaulted on a standard unsecured bank loan, it goes down the collections route and into the county courts and you have the guys from "can't pay, we'll take it away" turn up, hence why a lot of the businesses will fold and the directors will run off.
Hope that helps!