Very few reported sales I can find
SapphireRings org $1,450 Feb 12
SapphireValley com $2,000 Sep 11
Sapphires mobi $70 Nov 08
SapphireHomes com $1,300
I’d say to long for a brand
Existing Brands using names as a feeds tend to go gemstone product e.g. diamond ring, necklace, bangle earrings etc Smaller Jewelers would they want to limit there perceived appeal online to particular gemstone most seam to go persons name or location and many only there local traffic so don’t bother at all with net… ?,,,
Even brands Such as “Diamond White” Cider don’t see the need for the generic name the com is for sale and they don’t own the for me sounds like some dodgy 80 s band or a magical act but domains are a funny thing one mans rubbish is anothers gold. if you like that type red rubies is free to reg. If you get offers then its worth something?