We need now to learn that people have to manage their own health needs and it can be done.
To a large extent you are right, on the assumption that purpose of NHS is to provide health care for all UK citizens.
It is frustrating to see dedicated staff trying to cope with inadequate facilities, and at the same time a minority of patients wasting valuable resources because the service is free on demand.
A chronic example of this is excessive alcohol consumption. The consequences range from unpleasant to life changing. The same applies to nicotine addiction. The damage from tobacco products is well documented, and e-cigarettes are not a safe alternative.
Obesity is a sign of poor choices, and often a path to diabetes or other serious health problems. These issues consume a lot of NHS resources, and cause a lot of distress to families concerned. Two common factors stand out - they are largely self inflicted and treatment is free.
A 10p tax on plastic bags brought about a paradigm shift. It makes you wonder what an enduring appreciation of the NHS could achieve. We are very fortunate to have free health care based on individual need.