the reason google finds 1.5 million pages with the word before in is because its a comon word in the English Language.
Your not interested in how many pages contain a keyword the same or similar to your domain.
What you are interested in is how many people search for it, and how you can use it to make money (or sell for a profit).
using tools like overture to estimate the amount of times someone does a search for the word relating to your domain is time better spent (or any of the other 100's of tools that help "estimate" traffic).
number of pages in google is to a point useless. Infact: from an SEO point of view, the less pages with your keyword in the better (less competition

Also bare in mind if you ask for valuations people will give them. If you dont like them, dont fight back (its pointless, and drags the forum down). If you dont agree, fine.. ignore them.
Personaly i could work out if the people giving the advice are making money from domains or own good names. If so i would (and did) take their advice. Doing this can only increase your chances of becoming a better domainer.
Everyone buys some stinkers, i did when i started. Asked for valuations and boy did i get them.. Rather than get upset, i listened, learned, and as a result own better names....
Just a thought....
Good luck with your domains and hope you do well in the future