I'd almost forgotten about my new book store already and had planned on deleting it, until today, when I checked my Amazon account and saw that it had made it's first sale yesterday
It doesn't say yet what was sold or what the commission was, I assume it only shows that after dispatch? Hopefully it wasn't some free kindle book lol
Anyway, that single sale has prompted me to have another look at things, and I'm going to add a load more books to the store. There were about 3.3K books on there, now I've started adding the top 100 best sellers from each sub category of the main genre categories, and each sub category of the sub categories and so on.
There are many hundreds of sub categories to add, so I'm hopeful that I can get somewhere near 100K books on the site to give a much wider selection for any visitors, which should hopefully result in more clicks through to Amazon.
This week, I'll be mostly clicking, Run Autopopulate Again :lol: