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Complete Acorn Domains Launches Live UK Domain Auction Feed! 1st 3 auction platforms: DomainLore, Flip UKbackorder

Hi @Admin, @MapleDots is a friend and great guy running the Canadian DN.CA :) Very cool and super experienced!!

Thank you Helmuts

I noticed you did this bot on Acorn and DNF, it's a great feat and a great service.

I have not been able to achieve this because our auctions are all competing and I don't think anyone would allow us to make a live cumulative data base. So we started working with CatchDrop and made an animated results within a box and I am working on the same with the other TBR provider. We have some smaller ones too but if I get the two biggest its probably a win.

It's a complete mystery to me how your admin would have achieved your feed given you are drawing information from four sources. If they are all cooperating then you are one up on us because I'm not sure I could get them all to cooperate with the data.
Thank you Helmuts

I noticed you did this bot on Acorn and DNF, it's a great feat and a great service.

I have not been able to achieve this because our auctions are all competing and I don't think anyone would allow us to make a live cumulative data base. So we started working with CatchDrop and made an animated results withinn a box and I am working on the same with the other TBR provider. We have some smaller ones too but if I get the two biggest its probably a win.

It's a complete mystery to me how your admin would have achieved your feed given you are drawing information from four sources. If they are all cooperating then you are one up on us because I'm not sure I could get them all to cooperate with the data.

Hi Frank, your animated widget is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Love it!!
It's a complete mystery to me how your admin would have achieved your feed given you are drawing information from four sources. If they are all cooperating then you are one up on us because I'm not sure I could get them all to cooperate with the data.

I am sure Prashanna (@Admin) will let you know how he has done this :)

.. and, hopefully he will "borrow" few of your amazing features from dn.ca ;)
Hello, @MapleDots
Nice to meet you!😁

About the feed, it is nice to ask the actual marketplace about this. They may have some API or feed to help you with these domain feed. If they don't have some sort of tools to do that, you can always scrape off the website with their permissions, of course.

Another nice way to find if they have some sort of API is the network tab in inspect view of your browser (The network tab shows all the requests made to the server). Just right click on your screen and click 'Inspect' or Ctrl+Shift+I in Windows/Linux.

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask😅
@Admin, Prashanna, great job on "Big Bids"!! Very nice surprise :)

View attachment 4328

We have had a live auction feed on the main page at DN.ca for quite a while, the above box animates if you visit the forum.

However, we do not combine the feeds from all the auctions so I have to give your admin credit, that is quite a feat of engineering.

Question I have for you....

Did you have to get all the auction sites on board for this or how did you manage to grab all the info?
I was thinking API's or RSS feeds, but not sure UKBO has a public one of either. Perhaps it's just web scraping

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