If I was going to speculate on a sector I would keep it quiet and buy up as many names as possible, I would not be on a reseller forum making my own life difficult.
If I was looking at selling those names I would be doing just that though.
Depends what the aim of the thread is ?
i have more than enough 3d names that i don't need to hide anything .. and trust me, trying to find something good that's available anymore is not going to happen - the "Good Ole Days" are gone. A few nice and clever names still come through and are posted, but not like it was only a few months ago.
As far as selling, the market is really not ready yet, nor will it be for about a year or two (or three). I do have a few 3d names that i am willing to let go of early, but nothing too substantial. (3dGame.co.uk will be held for a while)
The point of the post is just to hear others views. I participate in a few other DN forums around the web with this very topic and find it amazing the kind of negative, and sometimes even aggressive reactions i get on the topic.
I called it 'The Great Debate' because there seems to be two very strong points of view - the ones who see a WORLD full of 3d on the horizon (3d media, 3d websites, 3d products, 3d mobile phones, 3d schools..etc..) and the ones who think that there are maybe 5-10 3d domain names worth registering at all (3dtv, 3dgames, 3dmovies..etc..)
Things have evolved a LOT in the past 6 months, and as we draw nearer to a full out marketing blitz of 3d advertising and products, it seems the tune has changed a bit.
"The Naysayers", we call them, have finally begun to quiet down and maybe even they see the inevitable about to happen... a total and complete 3d internet, which kicks the door in on an all new crop of domain names (3d dating sites, 3d automobile sites, 3d home rentals online...streaming 3d etc..)
I live in the US, but tend to enjoy this UK forum, as the personalities are not as aggressive and angry... there 'seems' to be room for debate here, not arguing, so that is another reason why i posted here at Acorn.
I hope it has sparked a few imaginations and even a handful of registrations for some of you.
I expect this post to grow over time as the others have - becoming almost an entity to themselves, with hundreds and hundreds of posts and one that you feel like you can't miss because someone's always posting some amazing new 3d article that's happening somewhere in the world.
It should be fun and i look forward, as always, to hearing your thoughts and views on 3d Domain Names.