Hi there, just wanted to let the group know that 123-reg is now offering premium domains through our order process, at http://www.123-reg.co.uk/domain-names/ , where you can search for a domain and direct match and suggested results are available.
We are partnered with sedo and NameMedia, so offering an easy to use portal for searching both networks.
As always, I am very interested in the feedback that you may have on the service and ask you to email me directly, or message me within the forums, with any suggestions / comments.
[email protected]
Thank you, Richard.
We are partnered with sedo and NameMedia, so offering an easy to use portal for searching both networks.
As always, I am very interested in the feedback that you may have on the service and ask you to email me directly, or message me within the forums, with any suggestions / comments.
[email protected]
Thank you, Richard.