Minimum wage has increased over the past few years:
Agree that many people living in a house compared to family is different, but we have almost zero unemployment ( 5% which is efffectively zero ) so there is work and there is a min wage. The issue is that each party needs a different amount to live on, but as time progress's these 3 men get families....this issue has been going on since the war with each wave of new immigrants.
By leaving we don't gain control of immigration, we just think we will. If we leave we have to conform to some trade agreement with the EU like Norway and the EU has a position that anyone who trades properly with the EU muts pay to be allowed to play and must allow freedom of movement. We can create our own trade rules and stop freedom of movement, but that is a very hard road to recreate and will take years and be an economic nightmare.
I think it is illogical for most people to leave due to the 5-10 year economic turmoil that will be created, people also believe that a few months after we leave the sun will shine more, when it does not they will be more annoyed and think they have been sold a dead puppy. Thus creating more mayhem that the masses of people will blame on others.
The only argument I find makes sense is to accept the UK will be in turmoil for 5-10 years, but it will be our turmoil and we will accept the blame. If we were planning for turmoil and embrace it to create a new Europe, then I would be very pro LEAVE, but no one is saying that....there is not even any idea of which plan would be executed.
I am actually quite excited as I was when I sued to set fires in our house