This is something I would consider for the right project, but my skill set is fairly specialised so doesn't lend itself well to the creation of standard websites.
My attitude is you'll never get rich selling your labour for an hourly rate. Sure you can be comfortable developing websites for a fixed price or on an hourly rate, but no matter how well the website does you'll only ever get that up-front payment.
From a developers viewpoint if you're offered the chance to get a share of the profits from the website you have the chance to make it big. You also have the chance to make nothing at all from your work.
We all know that a high percentage of business start-ups fail, and web based businesses have an even bigger failure rate than traditional businesses. I don't know the exact numbers, but let's say 1 in 20 survives to make a profit. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't go into this type of business, but it does mean that you need to do two things:
- You must believe in the business. You must feel it has a reasonable chance of success.
- You negotiate a share large enough that your rewards if it succeeds in a moderate way will be large enough to cover the costs of your investments in the other 19 businesses you've invested time in that failed.
I add a third thing myself, the project has to have a unique selling proposition that would be hard for others to cheaply duplicate.
You have the domains & are looking for a developer so the situation is the reverse. You'll need to offer the developer a sufficiently large share of the business to cover the prospect that they don't succeed. You'll need to sell the developers on the potential for the site. You also have the problem that if they don't do the world's best job they still own a piece of the action.