.EU Domains questions
Re confiscation because a .EU domain name was not used "relevantly". It is naive to think that this rule will not be applied because there would be thousands of domains to monitor........
The rule is there for a reason - to assist a single challenger to challenge any particular domain name.
Not sure you understood the second part question.
Rephrased, the question was:
For a trademark holder to be eligible to register the .EU domain name during the Sunrise period what is the latest date that the trademark must be registered before ?
The European Commision approved the introduction of the .EU domain name in March 2002.
The .EU registry could have stated that only trademark holders with registered trademarks registered before 2002 (the date of their announcement) would qualify to register during the Sunrise period.
If instead the .EU registry now state that all trademarks registered prior to say September 2005 qualify, then all the best generic .EU domains names will probably go during the Sunrise period to people and companies who have rushed to register trademarks in the past few years since .EU was first announced.
As an example take SEX
Will the registered trademark for SEX registered October 2003 over a year after the announcement be eligible to submit an application?
If someone had a trademark for SEX registered in July 2005 would this be eligible?