Veedubs ( brand and trademark are now up for sale.
The sale of such a trademark (UK00003498079) means that you would be the sole owner of the term Veedubs within the UK (for stated categories).
This provides any business wishing to take a prime position within the VW scene a once in a lifetime opportunity.
The sale would also include the transfer of all social media accounts, Facebook account at 14,127 pages, and 855 Group members.
All website, artwork, including logos, designs and related assets would also be included in any sale.
Please let me know if you are interested in buying Veedubs by way of an opening offer for the purchase of this asset.
I'm looking for 5 figure offers, payment terms can be negotiated for the right offer
If you're interested drop me a message.
The sale of such a trademark (UK00003498079) means that you would be the sole owner of the term Veedubs within the UK (for stated categories).
This provides any business wishing to take a prime position within the VW scene a once in a lifetime opportunity.
The sale would also include the transfer of all social media accounts, Facebook account at 14,127 pages, and 855 Group members.
All website, artwork, including logos, designs and related assets would also be included in any sale.
Please let me know if you are interested in buying Veedubs by way of an opening offer for the purchase of this asset.
I'm looking for 5 figure offers, payment terms can be negotiated for the right offer
If you're interested drop me a message.
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