Buy these >>> 5% of any sale of my domain is reserved for charity to third world .
mobilze.com = read as mobiles .com .. Very rare Highly appraised domain ..
Sale Price: £49
Traffic/ Stats:200-1000/ permonth - links, typeins, searches
mobilerex.com = rex is latin word for king so it means king of all mobile trade/ business. Remember rex is owned by intel corporation
Sale Price:£19
Traffic/ Stats: 75 - 550 hits/ permonth
myspacepc.com = pc stands for pesonal computer, private chat, porn collection, parental control etc
Sale Price: £99 or make an offer
Traffic/ Stats: 150 - 750 hits/permonth
blogclone.com = the only clone to blog.com ,, very unique thats why good hits per day/ month
Sale Price: £59
Traffic/ Stats: 200 - 1400 hits/permonth
encyclovista.com = microsoft windows vista encycolpedia ..
Sale Price: £9
se6.org = read as sex.orgasm Highly appraised sex domain
sale Price: £19
Traffic/Stat: 220-1300/permonth (links, direct typeins etc)
mycokemusic.net = mycokemusic is official Coca Cola, usa brand and both mycokemusic.ccom and .org are owned by coca cola
sale price:£19
Traffic/Stats: 100- 1200/permonth due to coca cola brand advertising
4onesex.com= phone sex .com
sale Price: £20
Traffic/Stat: 300-900/ permonth (links, typeins)
upwifi.com = up and always on and running wifi
sale price: £10
Traffic/Stats: 300/permonth (links, etc) .. growing use of wifi makes it
DavidRJBecKham.com = Football Star David Beckhams full official title name ..
sale price: £59
Traffic Stat: 2000-2500/ per month when worldcup was on, now 400-1500/permoth
iecredit.com = read as thats credit .com and also as internet explorer credit.com
sale price:£9
Traffic/ Stat: 50-650/permonth
PM me for any interests or offers and i will give you a good deal and also give you FREE dot com domains as well
So dont hesitate and just pm me ,, thanks .. i am here to help you
mobilze.com = read as mobiles .com .. Very rare Highly appraised domain ..
Sale Price: £49
Traffic/ Stats:200-1000/ permonth - links, typeins, searches
mobilerex.com = rex is latin word for king so it means king of all mobile trade/ business. Remember rex is owned by intel corporation
Sale Price:£19
Traffic/ Stats: 75 - 550 hits/ permonth
myspacepc.com = pc stands for pesonal computer, private chat, porn collection, parental control etc
Sale Price: £99 or make an offer
Traffic/ Stats: 150 - 750 hits/permonth
blogclone.com = the only clone to blog.com ,, very unique thats why good hits per day/ month
Sale Price: £59
Traffic/ Stats: 200 - 1400 hits/permonth
encyclovista.com = microsoft windows vista encycolpedia ..
Sale Price: £9
se6.org = read as sex.orgasm Highly appraised sex domain
sale Price: £19
Traffic/Stat: 220-1300/permonth (links, direct typeins etc)
mycokemusic.net = mycokemusic is official Coca Cola, usa brand and both mycokemusic.ccom and .org are owned by coca cola
sale price:£19
Traffic/Stats: 100- 1200/permonth due to coca cola brand advertising
4onesex.com= phone sex .com
sale Price: £20
Traffic/Stat: 300-900/ permonth (links, typeins)
upwifi.com = up and always on and running wifi
sale price: £10
Traffic/Stats: 300/permonth (links, etc) .. growing use of wifi makes it
DavidRJBecKham.com = Football Star David Beckhams full official title name ..
sale price: £59
Traffic Stat: 2000-2500/ per month when worldcup was on, now 400-1500/permoth
iecredit.com = read as thats credit .com and also as internet explorer credit.com
sale price:£9
Traffic/ Stat: 50-650/permonth
PM me for any interests or offers and i will give you a good deal and also give you FREE dot com domains as well
So dont hesitate and just pm me ,, thanks .. i am here to help you
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