Hello there,
Just wanted to post in response – Shaun is out of the office today, but will be back next week. We would like to apologize to all parties who feel that this week’s press release was misleading in any way.
Sedo’s intention was to utilize the statistics we have available to us to reflect the positive development of the market so that we all – buyers, sellers, auction platforms, event coordinators, interested parties – might benefit from increased interest and awareness in the development of the dynamic .uk domain market. It was not our intention to mislead in any way. The year-to-date’s largest sale was included in the release so that it might enforce the positive market development and demonstrate the booming nature of the .uk secondary domain market.
We are all part of a great stage in the development of the .uk market and we hope that you understand that this release was well-intended. We would like to congratulate Doug and Paul on a tremendous sale. I’m sure it is the first of many in what is sure to be an exciting upcoming year for the UK market.
Best wishes,
[email protected]