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SedoPro vs Sedo

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Dec 12, 2005
Reaction score
Just been looking at things and various posts on the 'should I increase my holding to 200+ names to qualify for Sedopro' etc posts...

Doing the maths based on pre-sedopro (normal sedo) to post-sedopro, I've noticed that - with the current changes recently brought into play by Sedo, overall revenue is on target to be up over 400% - yes four hundred across the board by the months end from pre-sedopro days...

Essentially, original holdings maximised... New holdings, in the process...

Is it worth it? For me, yes... For you? may well be...

Thought this might help a few...

Will have to alter my sig once the end of month data is in... lol
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I notice only two parking providers stand out from the rest...namely:

Sedo and Namedrive

Sedo has announced new changes for the parking pages...does it apply also to the free one?
KingdomHall said:
I notice only two parking providers stand out from the rest...namely:

Sedo and Namedrive

Sedo has announced new changes for the parking pages...does it apply also to the free one?
All Sedo parking is "free" in the sense that you dont pay them directly to park your pages. They do however, take a slice of the revenue your domains earn from parking and pay you the net - so compare Sedo and ND to see who pays best for various domain keywords.

Best thing to do is set up an account with both and try them out.
Yes, I will likely try out Namedrive soon...But parking on Sedo immediately showed me which ones were getting traffic and which ones werent.

Anyway, I have never tried Sedo Pro before, thats why I was asking if there was a fee to join the Sedo Pro program. I have heard it good things from other domainers about Sedo Pro..:)

Ha, joining Sedo Pro is impossible.

I dont like plain old Sedo, the pages are dated and CTR is poor.

Im with ND, I like ND, I see no reason to leave ND, however is always good to see whats out there and I have twice applied to Sedo Pro. They havn't welcomed me with open arms! They have requested that I park my domains with Sedo for a couple of weeks so that 'they can check the quality of my traffic' before they decide.

Do they realise how much of a pain in the arse it is to repoint 1200 domains just so they can check how much traffic I get?

As Partridge said, Sedo can 'kiss my face' :D
If anyone needs an invite drop me a PM ;)

</blatent plug>
It's Official!!!

Update on original post:

Finally smashed the 400% barrier on EPC rev since joining SedoPro... :p

Compared with the month I joined SedoPro over from normal Sedo, month by month EPC rev has increased daily...

Recent changes have now brought such a dramatic increase that overall, my portfolio shows an increase in excess of 400% now and still clocking...

All things being equal, I whole-heartedly expect that 500% will be reached by the end of next month easily...

In real terms, this means I get to retire 4 x, possibly 5 x earlier than anticipated... :cool:

Going SedoPro is the best move I have ever made in domaining...
The worst, thinking the 'grass was greener' elsewhere...

Anyone still undecided, should SERIOUSLY consider their position...

In this game, it's results that count....

Trust this insight is of help to some...

PM me if you need an invite...

Off to update my sig... lol

Thanks Sedo...
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Going SedoPro is the best move I have ever made in domaining...
The worst, thinking the 'grass was greener' elsewhere...


PM me if you need an invite...

Such praises singing looks nothing else but advertisement for people to get invitation code from you.

There are plenty of other parking programs which *were* paying much better (when Sedo didn't bother) and still do (after Sedo decided to get in line).

TBH - I haven't done that much as it's been clocking without too much intervention on my part...

The recent improvements have boosted things tremendously, with my adult portfolio out-stripping across the board...
One-time 0.4 - 0.12 clicks are now mid 0.27 - 0.35 upto 0.70 - 0.89, the highest in the high 0.90's...
Coupling those new rates with the high CTR rates these names give, has certainly been a key...

Till the next month's figures are out (sept) I won't be touching anything...
Though I do expect even greater returns once optimised fully...
vizzy said:
Such praises singing looks nothing else but advertisement for people to get invitation code from you.

There are plenty of other parking programs which *were* paying much better (when Sedo didn't bother) and still do (after Sedo decided to get in line).


Think your first comment re: advertisement, was directed at someone else on the thread not me...

All I've done is open up my findings for folks on here to hopefully gain some insight that they can benifit from...
I still remeber the days when my portfolio produced squat and how I felt about it...

Regarding other parking: Like the emphasis on *were* lol

'The grass ain't greener'... Been there, Seen that...
Couldn't afford the T-shirt on their rev generation...

Of course I'm gonna sing the praises of those who assist me in achieving my goals...
BUT, unlike many... I'm willing to share that success with others...
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I believe the best insight is to remind that there is no single parking program which performs best for the whole portfolio (unless portfolio fits single category;)

It is widely known, that before recently, Sedo was paying per keyword rather than per actual advertiser bid. Thus, if you portfolio had many domains with cheap/crap keywords, your earnings could have been higher than they should.
Better valued keywords were producing lower EPC at Sedo/Pro comparing to other parking companies, as they all used bid share model.

Now Sedo converted their feed (I don't know why they market those new changes as a "feed change" -- as they were using Google feed and they continue to use it). Maybe they couldn't tell "we just decided to pay fairly based on actual bids" =)

Now cheap keywords are also giving crap revenues, but other keywords are more or less similar to other parking providers.

I have a feeling they could be paying higher revenue share during this start-up just to attract people who left them earlier.
Just smashed the 500% barrier on Sedo vs SedoPro...

Absolutely fantastic! Stuck for words to say...

Thanks again Sedo.
Breaking all barriers... AGAIN!

Still 5.5 days left... AWESOME!!!!

Now equates to 600%+ gain over normal sedo...

Was a slowish start BUT anyone else having a rockin' clockin' month now?

At this rate, I'll need to get sedo to officially verify my posts so you know I ain't BS you all...

Keywords, keywords, keywords.... That's the key!
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After smashing 700% a couple of days ago, just logged in to see 800 wasted... F'kin AWESOME!!! - No BS (sedo can verify).

Still loads more than can be done to get the CTR higher to make on improved EPC...

Relax guy's, I will be revealing all in a couple of months when my optimising is maxed out...
OK, I got kb'd from Sedo Pro and the next question is not sour grapes....but.

If Sedo Pro is so much better, then surely the biggest loosers by not upgrading everyone is Sedo???

We are all (in the main) intelligent people and i'm sure we could master what's there with little ease.

Sedo account managers would not be needed other than for the people they want to help.

OK, I got kb'd from Sedo Pro and the next question is not sour grapes....but.

If Sedo Pro is so much better, then surely the biggest loosers by not upgrading everyone is Sedo???

We are all (in the main) intelligent people and i'm sure we could master what's there with little ease.

Sedo account managers would not be needed other than for the people they want to help.


A killer point well made.
After smashing 700% a couple of days ago, just logged in to see 800 wasted... F'kin AWESOME!!! - No BS (sedo can verify).

Still loads more than can be done to get the CTR higher to make on improved EPC...

Relax guy's, I will be revealing all in a couple of months when my optimising is maxed out...

A couple of months? Come on, stop teasing. Do tell.
yeah i cant wait to see this either. even basic maths says if ....

you have 100 domains making £50
you move to sedo pro and your revenue has increased by 800%

so you £50 is now......

nah? :confused:

Late this afternoon, it shot through 900% mainly due to activity on the financials.
Today (highest rev. day ever) equates to 1.5 x month's rev. on old sedo.

This is thouroughly verifyable by sedo and represents the growth in rev. for the month I joined sedopro and figures this month.

Keeping it simple:

Collective EPC Monthly comparison join month / this month

1 euro old sedo - now equates to 9 euros sedopro today.

so to answer your Q? £50 oldsedo month would equal £450 this sedopro month.
But the month ain't over yet... lol

The credit really has to go to sedo, as they have made the necessary tools available to all, to improve on ctr/epc growth.

Truth is, as mentioned before privately, their is a lot more to things than merely parking a name.


One of the reasons I'm holding back is that I have loads of things to do yet that will further optimise everything.

For example, I've not bothered to optimise my worst performing ctr names (only the odd one or two half-heartedly) as I need to see clearly why they are so. More importantly, understand WHY.

TBH - It's a slow process optimising fully but, one that is well worth enduring. TIP: changing everything at once is a mistake long-term.
You won't have learned anything and success in the future will be based on chance. Greed I would say is the motivator for that - very foolish.

When I'm done, I'll have to write an ebook or something (lol) as I think folks are unaware of the power that sedo have made available to them.

From what I can gather, too many are hopping between providers thinking that it's the solution when really the answers are right in front of them with sedopro tools.
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