charlie said:
I cant find a list of portfolios either but there is a drop down on a number of pages to filter by
Since we are so excited about our portfolio system, I want to make sure that all SedoPro members are aware of where to find them in their accounts, as the ability to divide by portfolio can be quite useful.
After you log in to your SedoPro account, head to the very bottom of the domain list section. There you will see a field where you can create porfolios, add domains to portfolios, or delete portfolios. Adding domains to portfolios greatly helps in dividing up an organizing your overall collection in terms of earnings, .tld, domain type, or what have you.
To view one of these portfolio, say, for optimization, go to the SedoPro Optimizer tab. There you will see a section titled "Domain Selection" near the top with an option to select domains in a drop down box. Click the drop down box and you will see a list of the portfolios you have created. There you can optimize each portfolio differently, specify a specific parking page for each portfolio, or divide your portfolio by domains containing / not containing related links if you like. This drop down box is on each page of SedoPro for your convenience.
Please let your account manager know if there is any part of SedoPro that you would like to know more about. In addition, we are going to be in constant contact to ensure that you are aware of each feature so that you can increase your overall revenue.
Thanks and all the best,