Brassneck said:
Hi Jakob
What about Zee's second point - how comes Namedrive can avoid customers paying the paypal fees but Sedo do not?
I cannot comment about anything aside from how we operate. I will say that, even as a larger company, there are still fees that are charged by PayPal. I do not work in our accounting department, but let's imagine two organizations working with PayPal: one very large and one considerably smaller. The larger company has clients who earn an average of say 50 EUR that must be paid out to over 300,000 clients monthly. The smaller company has an average of 40 USD that must be paid out to say, 8,000 clients monthly. Each is charged 3% either on either the sender or the recipient side. This is all hypothetical of course; purely for argument's sake:
Company A: 300,000 Clients * 50 EUR * 3% = 450,000 EUR Cost
Company B: 8,000 Clients * 40 EUR * 3% = 9,600 USD Cost
Company A decides that it might be nice if clients paid, on average, 1.50 EUR instead of shouldering the full load itself. Company B is nice enough to pay the smaller amount--but perhaps not half a million euros extra each month just to make payments, were that the case for them.
Obviously this situation takes into account averages and doesn't apply to many of you, nor is it completely reflective of reality. It's more to illustrate one possible reason for our method of payment.
All the best,