Domain has small minisite on it with a few pages on unique content.
Ranks number one for [rope lights] (1900 exacts) plus a few other relevant terms.
Averaging £0.86 a day on adsense over the last few weeks, could be better monetized with affiliate programs as it used to make around £15 a month on storeburst.
Don't have time to fully develop the site (hence selling it).
Offers via pm or below.
Domain has small minisite on it with a few pages on unique content.
Ranks number one for [rope lights] (1900 exacts) plus a few other relevant terms.
Averaging £0.86 a day on adsense over the last few weeks, could be better monetized with affiliate programs as it used to make around £15 a month on storeburst.
Don't have time to fully develop the site (hence selling it).
Offers via pm or below.