A strange thing happened today when I registered a domain.
I used some new software to register domain A, just to see if it was working ok, the email was sent and I waited for the response from nominet, after about 30 minutes I started to think either it hadn't worked or there was a delay on Nominets end.
So I registered a different domain, domain B, by hand via a regular email to confirm the delay. However, about 1 second later I got the acceptance email saying domain B was registered.
I naturally asumed the software was at fault with the first one, until another 30 minutes later I received the acceptance email for domain A.
Has anyone else seen this where 1 domain is delayed and another not??
Local Shops Adult DVDs HPI Check Domains
I used some new software to register domain A, just to see if it was working ok, the email was sent and I waited for the response from nominet, after about 30 minutes I started to think either it hadn't worked or there was a delay on Nominets end.
So I registered a different domain, domain B, by hand via a regular email to confirm the delay. However, about 1 second later I got the acceptance email saying domain B was registered.
I naturally asumed the software was at fault with the first one, until another 30 minutes later I received the acceptance email for domain A.
Has anyone else seen this where 1 domain is delayed and another not??
Local Shops Adult DVDs HPI Check Domains
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