i have sent PureSex.mobi to sedo public auction.
== Great Opportunity ==
The Adult Mobile Business is expected to generate huge revenues over the next 5 years as multimedia and 3g phones go mass market.
Analysts Juniper Research expect the worldwide mobile adult content market to be worth $3.3bn by 2011, up from its current level of $1.4bn, and a significant increase on forecasts by Informa Telecoms and Media last year which predicted a market value of $2.3bn by 2010.
A total of $14.5bn in revenue is expected to be generated by the adult mobile content sector over the next five years with Europe accounting for 39 per cent revenue over this period. The study estimates that video-based services will account for over 70 per cent of revenue in the mobile adult content market by 2011.
== Great Opportunity ==
== Great Opportunity ==
The Adult Mobile Business is expected to generate huge revenues over the next 5 years as multimedia and 3g phones go mass market.
Analysts Juniper Research expect the worldwide mobile adult content market to be worth $3.3bn by 2011, up from its current level of $1.4bn, and a significant increase on forecasts by Informa Telecoms and Media last year which predicted a market value of $2.3bn by 2010.
A total of $14.5bn in revenue is expected to be generated by the adult mobile content sector over the next five years with Europe accounting for 39 per cent revenue over this period. The study estimates that video-based services will account for over 70 per cent of revenue in the mobile adult content market by 2011.
== Great Opportunity ==