Looking for offers over £50 for practicetheorytest org uk
Practice theory test - gets 22,200 exact match searches per month
Please read the conditions below carefully:
Please post bids in thread.
(don't leave it till the last minute you might forget!)
Offers close at 3.00pm on Thursday (31 may).
5 minute sniping rule (ie an offer within 5 minutes of the close extends it by 5 minutes, and any further offers do likewise)
Payment by bacs only.
Buyer pays nominet.
Practice theory test - gets 22,200 exact match searches per month
Please read the conditions below carefully:
Please post bids in thread.
(don't leave it till the last minute you might forget!)
Offers close at 3.00pm on Thursday (31 may).
5 minute sniping rule (ie an offer within 5 minutes of the close extends it by 5 minutes, and any further offers do likewise)
Payment by bacs only.
Buyer pays nominet.