It's very hard to see how the math on a big sale makes it worth exiting the industry, unless the buyer's willing to pay a decent fraction of potential end-user value. Sure, I'd sell out if "the price is right" - I think just about anyone would - but it's not worth dumping diamonds for the price of coal. After all, across a large portfolio you only need a handful of decent names a year to cover renewal costs, and beyond that there's no maintenance required so it's a zero-effort investment. You'll never be able to replace what you just sold for anything like you sold it for, after all!
I'd also be curious to have some kind of indication as to what people see is an "achievable" valuation vs theoretical value, if such a thing can even be quantified. For example, are people settling for 25% of list? 10% of list? More? Less?
i agree Edwin
i think what anyone who is offering would have to do is put a price beside each domain in list they were offering on basis of buying lot. then tally up
and supply list with prices and final figure
as someone offering may thin k 50k is a lot for example, but on a portfolio of 'only' 1000 domains, thats only 50 nicker each
surely you could email everyone and ebay the lot for far more,indicidually, or in lts. sure time consuming, but its profits.
and obviously there are dozens, if not hundreds of pearls that can get x,xxx, xx,xxx each on their day
plus you would have to factor in age, how much was spent on acquisition, and how much 'time left on clock'
interesting discussion, as i have about 900 .uk domains and i am mainly in the .com space tbh, and develop mainly in that area
have considered selling uk portfolio but are there buyers who want to spend xxx,xxx ?
or will it be the usual tyre kickers wanting to pay 20 quid a domain and asking what traffics like ?