Just had a mysql upgrade on server and throwing up following error.
Warning: number_format() expects parameter 2 to be long, string given in /home/umbriare/public_html/includes/templates/layout_view.php on line 11
Anyone know what I have to change in bolded line below.
$layoutId = $cgi->getValue ( "id" );
$rows = $sql->execute ( "SELECT * FROM " . $property_table . " WHERE id=" .
$sql->quote ( $layoutId ) . " AND propertyshow=1 LIMIT 1",
$row = $rows [ 0 ];
$Price = number_format ( $row [ 'propertyprice' ], PRICE_FORMAT );
// This add a click to the property veiw total
$sql->execute ( "UPDATE " . $property_table .
" SET propertyviews=(propertyviews + 1) WHERE id=" .
$sql->quote ( $layoutId ) . " LIMIT 1" );
Warning: number_format() expects parameter 2 to be long, string given in /home/umbriare/public_html/includes/templates/layout_view.php on line 11
Anyone know what I have to change in bolded line below.
$layoutId = $cgi->getValue ( "id" );
$rows = $sql->execute ( "SELECT * FROM " . $property_table . " WHERE id=" .
$sql->quote ( $layoutId ) . " AND propertyshow=1 LIMIT 1",
$row = $rows [ 0 ];
$Price = number_format ( $row [ 'propertyprice' ], PRICE_FORMAT );
// This add a click to the property veiw total
$sql->execute ( "UPDATE " . $property_table .
" SET propertyviews=(propertyviews + 1) WHERE id=" .
$sql->quote ( $layoutId ) . " LIMIT 1" );