Come on you loverlies, give us your opinion, I may sell this in the morning just need a guide price, pm if want to be discreet, I'm more than happy getting feedback any way I can. A company wants me to call them tomorrow about it after I sent a few speculative emails.
Paid inclusion is a search engine term meaning paid inclusion to the likes of yahoo etc see, massive on its own, and the term is so generic (if you prefer that to top keyword) you can't get more generic by hitting it with a generic stick to smash more generic into it if you tried. :mrgreen: Blackadder 2010.
If you're interested in making an offer before I have a chat in the morning then please step forward but at the moment I'm after your thoughts, appraisals, I have an amount in mind for this whopping great big huge amazingly bang on the nose generical generic but I'd like to hear yours.