If you live in Northamptonshire it's a perfect business for you.
It's a directory for taxis in Northamptonshire and there are 155 companies listed.
.tel is not popular YET but in a few years time will replace all printed directories.
If you put some effort into it and charge only £50 per year per listing you
are talking a nice income.
I also own: Northantspizza.tel (over 60 listings)
I am moving to America so this is the only reason for me to sell
It's a directory for taxis in Northamptonshire and there are 155 companies listed.
.tel is not popular YET but in a few years time will replace all printed directories.
If you put some effort into it and charge only £50 per year per listing you
are talking a nice income.
I also own: Northantspizza.tel (over 60 listings)
I am moving to America so this is the only reason for me to sell