The registrars / registries are now the domainers
With .london the whois will ONLY show if it has been successfully registered:
Any other status even available and it comes back with nothing.
Here is one i've got in Landrush validation:
Their whois is at:
However names applied for in landrush which are currently in (or auction) should come back as taken on registrar EPP availability checkers.
Then like all new gTLDs the registry has reserved lists made up of:
- ICANN collision list (See
- Names reserved by the registry (see
- Pioneer Names (their anchor customers)
- Specification 5 reserved names (all two characters etc)
These are provided as CSV files and it is up to the registrar to block them or not sell them - EPP should check these though
Then on top of that the registry will now have a huge premium name list usually made up of:
- All three letters
- All common first / second names
- All popular places in London not reserved
- All decent keyword search terms
Imagine every name that the average domainer would want - they have set it to premium and it renews at that price too
Remember when .tv came out how they renewed at the premium price? That is what they are doing.
In the case of .london they have tiered renewal pricing - like this:
Then registrars like Godaddy are currently adding huge markups on the registry tiered price (75% - 100%).
If anyone needs any help checking / registering .london names please let me know.