You might be able to find a bargain, but you'll have to look a lot harder than five years ago. Bleeding obvious, I know, but I think just searching through reams of names to pick up a or a isn't the best use of one's time, but others will differ.
Good names that are dropping get chased so competitively that you'll be lucky to get what you want even if you sign up with lots of catchers. Knowing what is going to drop far enough ahead to book lots of catch slots takes time and money.
You could just search around for good 'hand-reg' generic names, but you'll just find the odd or a hyphenated that's not necessarily in your field.
For me, I think it's the qualified domains where there is still opportunity. By that I mean, a strong keyword with another word before or after it, eg, greatsofas, whatcruise, etc. Then you have to build up the SEO side of things. Those that are left are probably only worth the reg fee in most cases, if that, but it looks good as a domain.
Some domainers such as Edwin reg very specialised domains with the view that someone in that industry will want that domain. His prices reflect the extent of stock he has to carry. Plus, he is very experienced at this almost unique approach.
Then there's the secondhand market. That is where the real opportunities lie as there are lots of good names out there not being used and owners will part with them for less than you may think. There are real bargains to be found on this very site - you just have to be quick and know what field you are wanting to operate in.
Is there good money still to be made in domaining - yep, but you need to buy undervalued domains, imho, as the gems left lying on the floor went ages ago, on the whole.
Good luck, Luke