Hi all, this is my first post here, im just learning about parking, mini sites etc...
aside from that though I have an issue with my own business website. I made a flash site with sitecube and although im reasonable happy with it, it doesnt come up in google despite them recently offering an additional html site to aid with google.
Im interested in a price for redesigning my site in html on a different server using all the current content, maybe adding a few google ads
the site is www.tree-care.biz
the html site is www.tree-care.biz/html
aside from that though I have an issue with my own business website. I made a flash site with sitecube and although im reasonable happy with it, it doesnt come up in google despite them recently offering an additional html site to aid with google.
Im interested in a price for redesigning my site in html on a different server using all the current content, maybe adding a few google ads
the site is www.tree-care.biz
the html site is www.tree-care.biz/html