Looking to place a post relating to the correlation between iPhone 5 purchases and debt management/personal finance on a suitable site. Looking for a personal finance, or maybe an tech/mobile phone related site.
The post will include the infographic and approximately 300 words short write-up to accompany it. The infographic has a link in it already.
Will consider any sites that meet the criteria in terms of theme and metrics.
I am only looking for those who can post content for free - but there could always be future opportunities for paid posts once we have done a test run and built a good professional relationship.
Please PM me if you have anything I can consider. Thanks.
The post will include the infographic and approximately 300 words short write-up to accompany it. The infographic has a link in it already.
Will consider any sites that meet the criteria in terms of theme and metrics.
I am only looking for those who can post content for free - but there could always be future opportunities for paid posts once we have done a test run and built a good professional relationship.
Please PM me if you have anything I can consider. Thanks.