As a newbie I'm just curious to know what people's opinions are on the future of drop catching?
I ask this as am making an assumption that a large proportion of decent names which drop will do so because companies or individuals forget to renew them? What seems to have changed recently however is that domain name companies (certainly 123-reg and Godaddy) now have autorenewal via paypal as the default option for people buying new domains so 'forgetfulness' is going to be less of an issue for the average registrar in the near future.
From my own point of view I lost a brilliant blog name a couple of years ago due to simply forgetting about it whereas now this wouldn't happen....
On a related note I'm also interested to know roughly how many drop catching companies and individuals there are going after any one given (decent) name? For example something like which i see recently dropped? I just ask this as it would be good to be able to gauge whether it's worth my while paying £30 upfront to use a service such as Caught.....obviously this would depend on the re-sell value of the domain and it's likely popularity but good to know if the competition is 10,20,30 or 100 people?
I ask this as am making an assumption that a large proportion of decent names which drop will do so because companies or individuals forget to renew them? What seems to have changed recently however is that domain name companies (certainly 123-reg and Godaddy) now have autorenewal via paypal as the default option for people buying new domains so 'forgetfulness' is going to be less of an issue for the average registrar in the near future.
From my own point of view I lost a brilliant blog name a couple of years ago due to simply forgetting about it whereas now this wouldn't happen....
On a related note I'm also interested to know roughly how many drop catching companies and individuals there are going after any one given (decent) name? For example something like which i see recently dropped? I just ask this as it would be good to be able to gauge whether it's worth my while paying £30 upfront to use a service such as Caught.....obviously this would depend on the re-sell value of the domain and it's likely popularity but good to know if the competition is 10,20,30 or 100 people?