I was going to reply to the The UK ROR 'WHO GOT WHAT?' thread in an attempt to rouse the same kind've buzz that was about when the big drops happened at the end of the Right of Registration period for .UK domains, but then I realised how old it is already. Time flies.
I was just wondering what the result was for fellow Acorn users... who had success or not with selling their .UK catches, whether you're still holding on to the names you got (or decided to drop them in their droves) and if you've managed to sell a few for big dosh!? Are you still collecting .UK names or avoiding them like the plague and preferring .CO.UK still.
I personally am still holding onto all of the names that I caught, I haven't dropped a single one. I've sold one for low £x,xxx and another 3 for low-mid £xxx, ones that I thought would probably be worthless to be honest with you. Pretty good going considering I only caught about 40 names, I suppose.
The original thread contained a lot of arguments about why .UK would fail. It seems that most people couldn't give a damn about .UK names, only .CO.UK. Not sure if the tide is turning on that, or will ever turn. I think it was a bad decision to split .CO.UK and .UK names up at all. They should have kept them together and then people might have chosen to switch. As it is now it's a state.
Would like to know what your experience has been with .UK and thoughts welcomed about them in general, too.
I was just wondering what the result was for fellow Acorn users... who had success or not with selling their .UK catches, whether you're still holding on to the names you got (or decided to drop them in their droves) and if you've managed to sell a few for big dosh!? Are you still collecting .UK names or avoiding them like the plague and preferring .CO.UK still.
I personally am still holding onto all of the names that I caught, I haven't dropped a single one. I've sold one for low £x,xxx and another 3 for low-mid £xxx, ones that I thought would probably be worthless to be honest with you. Pretty good going considering I only caught about 40 names, I suppose.
The original thread contained a lot of arguments about why .UK would fail. It seems that most people couldn't give a damn about .UK names, only .CO.UK. Not sure if the tide is turning on that, or will ever turn. I think it was a bad decision to split .CO.UK and .UK names up at all. They should have kept them together and then people might have chosen to switch. As it is now it's a state.
Would like to know what your experience has been with .UK and thoughts welcomed about them in general, too.
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