Doubletap, as the OP I've got plenty of issues with Sedo. I've told them this misleading practice is unacceptable and that that's the reason I'm not bidding in the mobilephones auction.
I think Monday to Friday customer service for a 7 day a week auction site as big as Sedo is rubbish and explains why it took them 4 days to respond (poorly) to my complaint.
However, even with all that, I think your office remark was OTT. I can fully understand how frustrated people might get with Sedo but don't shoot the messenger here.
It's not about shooting the messenger Hari. I'm sorry, but I dont recognise the 'messenger' concept, not in business anyway. Maybe i'm old school, but if a customer ever said to me they would come to my office to discuss problems they were having with my company, then the least, the very least, i'd do is offer the same back! That's how we were taught about customer service. Those customers were, after all, paying for my holidays as well as my wages.
For the record, the comment was aimed at Sedo, not Joanna directly, but she is, at the and of the day, Sedo. I suspect the thought of offering a visit back never even entered their heads, otherwise it could have been said.
In the non-virtual world, customers say a lot harsher things than that to suppliers who they dont feel are meeting the mark. If these people haven't even got the authority to jump in a hire car and go to see the odd customer or two, then you have to ask is it worth the effort.
Who do they think they are, coming over here and selling our names!