is a Domain Name Auction aggregator collecting auction details from several (and growing) domain auction sources. It then gathers important metrics about those domain names (Uniques, PR (and if it's verified), Backlinks, etc).
The list is sortable, and search able, including complex searches like LVLV or (you can build your own searches using lower case letters for literals, and upper case letters for any:L - Letter, V- Vowel, C- Consonant, N- Number)
The site is free for the public (there will, in the future be more detailed information for members), but if you have suggestions, or metrics you'd like to see added, please let me know.
-Jason R
The list is sortable, and search able, including complex searches like LVLV or (you can build your own searches using lower case letters for literals, and upper case letters for any:L - Letter, V- Vowel, C- Consonant, N- Number)
The site is free for the public (there will, in the future be more detailed information for members), but if you have suggestions, or metrics you'd like to see added, please let me know.
-Jason R
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