e-newz.co.uk - PR1 - £25
glassshelves.org.uk - PR1 - £25
simfusion.co.uk - PR0 - 250-350 unique visits per month - £15
freestylehosting.co.uk - PR0 - 50 unique visitors per month - £10
All domains currently have websites on them. Price does not include content but if you buy you can copy and paste the content.
Some have a little adsense income but assume none.
Buyer pays nominet fees.
glassshelves.org.uk - PR1 - £25
simfusion.co.uk - PR0 - 250-350 unique visits per month - £15
freestylehosting.co.uk - PR0 - 50 unique visitors per month - £10
All domains currently have websites on them. Price does not include content but if you buy you can copy and paste the content.
Some have a little adsense income but assume none.
Buyer pays nominet fees.
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